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So you're new to pole...

Stepping into your first pole class is a unique experience for everyone! Some are excited, some feel a bit nervous, and some have no idea what to expect. But no matter how you feel, you belong here! 💛

Your pole journey is all about YOU! It can be whatever you choose: growing strength, finding your flow, prioritizing self-care, feeling confident, or simply trying something new. Want to make friends or join a supportive community? Yes to all of that!

We understand that cultural influences can shape how you view pole and your body. Our classes aim to celebrate your unique journey, nurturing emotional, psychological, and physical wellness. If you leave with a little more self-love, we’ve succeeded!

We have a variety of classes, workshops, private sessions and performance options to help you work towards whatever goals you have. Just remember that there is no one way to do pole. In fact, we even have classes that don’t involve the pole at all! You can come for flexibility, conditioning, therapeutic movement, private dance sessions, crafting, book club and other community events. The path is not linear.

So, see what resonates with you. Our series classes are numbered and have a linear arrangement for safety and progression, but that doesn’t mean you need to take one after the other after the other. Take a class multiple times. Take a break from series classes to focus on movement. Revisit a class you’ve already taken because you took some time off. Sample some drop in classes to see what is a good fit. Take only choreo classes. Take private sessions if that feels right. We are here for it all.

Peace and Pole,

The Gem

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